January 15, 2013

Sparrowbrook Trailer

Trailer for my current project, one of my personal favorites :)

January 7, 2013

C-Posse Trailer

Here's another mash-up I made recently.
A few weeks ago, my friends and I (yes, we really do call ourselves the C-Posse; that is a story for another day) decided to come up with who would play us if a movie was made about our lives.
I took our choices and mashed them together into this trailer.
Music credit to Imagine Dragons for "It's Time."

Boreal Trailer

I like to make video mash-ups.
Here is one I made for a story I am working on.
Music is "Why Not?" by Jรณnsi.

January 6, 2013

Splendor's Game

I'm the kind of girl who can spend hours online looking at beautiful dresses.
I usually don't, of course. Who has time for that?
For Christmas, though, my mom gave me the prom issue of Seventeen. Cue the fanfare, the obsession has arrived.
So, this Christmas break has included not only a huge amount of sleeping and TV (my sci-fi staples in addition to "Parks and Recreation," my current comfort-food show), but also an insane amount of Pinteresting dresses. I've become a mad internet shopper, bargain-hunting like a pro and analyzing every detail of every gown. But none of them really grabbed me. They were all so pretty, but nothing made my heart skip. I couldn't really see myself in any of them.
And then, one day, I saw it: Splendor's Game.
Those silly dress names the companies use typically elicit no more than a vague half-smile from me, but I knew when I saw this one that it was destiny. Not only was it the prettiest lace sheath dress I'd ever seen in the most delicate cream color, its name was a nod at one of my favorite books of all time. And it was very inexpensive to boot! I continued searching, but Splendor's Game had already built its little nest of hope and possibility in the far branches of my mind.
Later, I came back to the dress to show my mom, and tried to determine what size I needed. Unfortunately, the size chart that accompanied the multi-angled photos and product description listed measurements that could only be achieved by an eight-year old. My tiniest friend  rebecca, later confirmed this notion, saying that even the largest size wouldn't fit her. I was crushed; how could this be?
I couldn't bring myself to delete the dress from my board, but I'd resigned myself to beginning the search anew. It wasn't until this morning, when the topic of prom came up at Mandi's and I showed my friends the dress I'd pined after, that a glimmer of hope appeared: Mandi, the web expert that she is, found another size chart link that listed the official site measurements. A later examination proved that yes, the dress should fit perfectly!
So now my dress is in the mail. I know it's a few months early, but it's worth it. I checked the return policy, but if Fate is on my side I'll arrive at prom this spring bedecked in Splendor.

January 5, 2013


So, I'm a huge science fiction geek.
If you'd told me ten years ago that I'd one day love time travel, aliens, and space ships as much as I adore wizards, elves, and magic, I would have told you that you were nuts. Little Miranda was a fantasy junkie. I still am, my interests are just more varied.
What brings this on? Well, I just finished watching Season 1 (aka Season ONLY) of Joss Whedon's incredible cult-TV masterpiece "Firefly." Cool people will have heard of it. If you haven't, please go Google it now so that you can be cool.
"Firefly" was one of the best stories I've ever experienced, especially on television. But what makes it so heart-wrenching is that it got cancelled after one season back in 2002. You know there's supposed to be more. There just... isn't.
That's why they made "Serenity" -- the movie sequel that wraps it all up. I have yet to see "Serenity," but I plan to watch it on Netflix soon. Then, I'll have the unofficial right to claim myself a browncoat.
For now, though, I'm left to mourn "Firefly" ten years late and try to get my fix from "Doctor Who."

Mandi is 18

Today is Mandi's 18th birthday, which means I am very old.
I mean, I think a lot about college anyway, but it's days like this that remind me that childhood is almost over.
A year from today, I'll be preparing myself to dive into my second semester of college. A year from today!
And it troubles me that I have no idea where that college will be, or what I will be preparing to do or what the home I will return to will be like.
I've prepared as much as I can. I'm constantly mulling over (not mulling, that doesn't sound frantic enough) every detail: dorm decor, money, transportation, and of course the ever-present tug-of-war between major paths. And I have most of that figured out.
But ten years from now, where will I be? Will I be a theme park designer with a UT Honors education? A Yale-educated author? Or something different entirely?
Yes, that's ten years from now, but the chilling reality is that the choice is coming very soon, and right now, it's not up to me. I have to wait for acceptance letters and weigh the options. And I can't decide anything until the interviews are over and the letter begin arriving (or, in some inevitable cases, not arriving).
I feel helpless. I feel like I should be doing something.
But I've hurried up and now I wait. Just a few more months and the doors will open. And then comes more choices, but at least I'll be able to choose.

January 4, 2013

So I'll wait

I am a writer, but I don't write romance.
I say it's because I have no experience with love, but is that true?
Is romantic love that much different from love for your hard-working mother, or your darling little sisters, or for the night sky just before the snow falls gently over everything in beautiful, perfect silence?
But when I try to pluck up the courage to write a romance, I always end up stopping,
because I'm scared I'll make a girl love a boy the way I love the clear, cold winter sky in Georgia flecked with millions of silvery stars
and that it won't be right.